Results for 'Lorenzo Palma Morales'

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  1.  48
    Voces Del bosque: Entrevero de seres humanos Y árboles en la emergencia de Una nueva comunidad moral en la cordillera Del sur de chile.Juan Carlos Skewes Vodanovic, Lorenzo Palma Morales & Debbie Guerra Maldonado - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 45:105-126.
    Resumen: Las cambiantes relaciones entre seres humanos y árboles en los relatos de los habitantes cordilleranos del sur de Chile invitan a revisar los límites de la comunidad moral para incluir en ella a los seres con que se convive y de los que se depende. La presencia de prácticas mapuches cordilleranas de largo aliento junto con las transformaciones experimentadas por las poblaciones madereras y los relatos de las personas que explotaron los árboles nativos se encarnan en conversaciones que invitan (...)
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    Pedagogía de la paz en el escenario de la educación pública en Colombia: un modelo académico exitoso.Lorenzo Portocarrero Sierra & Jorge Anibal Restepo Morales - 2014 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 3 (1).
    Este trabajo presenta el proyecto “Educación sin Fronteras”, realizado por la administración de la Institu-ción universitaria Tecnológico de Antioquia —TdeA— entre 2008 y 2010 para la ampliación de la cobertura en educa-ción superior en las subregiones del departamento de Antioquia. El trabajo esboza la plataforma de los planes de desa-rrollo del departamento de Antioquia y del TdeA; plantea el modelo de regionalización de la educación superior y presenta estadísticas del programa. Se examinan los municipios atendidos, la cobertura de estudiantes, el (...)
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    The INventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior for Young People: Development and Validation in a Community Sample.Fabia Morales-Vives, Sandra Cosi, Urbano Lorenzo-Seva & Andreu Vigil-Colet - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Morality in a Technological World: Knowledge as Duty.Lorenzo Magnani - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The technological advances of contemporary society have outpaced our moral understanding of the problems that they create. How will we deal with profound ecological changes, human cloning, hybrid people, and eroding cyberprivacy, just to name a few issues? In this book, Lorenzo Magnani argues that existing moral constructs often cannot be applied to new technology. He proposes an entirely different ethical approach, one that blends epistemology with cognitive science. The resulting moral strategy promises renewed dignity for overlooked populations, both (...)
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    Understanding violence: the intertwining of morality, religion and violence: a philosophical stance.Lorenzo Magnani - 2011 - Berlin: Springer Verlag.
    This volume sets out to give a philosophical "applied" account of violence, engaged with both empirical and theoretical debates in other disciplines such as cognitive science, sociology, psychiatry, anthropology, political theory, ...
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    Distributed morality: Externalizing ethical knowledge in technological artifacts. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Magnani & Emanuele Bardone - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (1):99-108.
    Technology moves us to a better world. We contend that through technology people can simplify and solve moral tasks when they are in presence of incomplete information and possess a diminished capacity to act morally. Many external things, usually inert from the moral point of view, can be transformed into the so-called moral mediators. Hence, not all of the moral tools are inside the head, many of them are shared and distributed in “external” objects and structures which function as ethical (...)
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  7. La morale allegra all'Università di Torino.Lorenzo Michelangelo Billia - 1902 - Torino,: Brero.
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    Naturalizing Morality to Unveil the Status of Violence: Coalition Enforcement, Cognitive Moral Niches, and Moral Bubbles in an Evolutionary Perspective.Lorenzo Magnani - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):39.
    I propose that the relationship between moral and violent behavior is overlooked in current philosophical, epistemological, and cognitive studies. To the aim of clarifying the complex dynamics of this interplay, I will describe, adopting an evolutionary perspective, the concepts of coalition enforcement, cognitive moral niche, and of what I call moral bubbles. Showing the interesting relationships between these three basic concepts, I will explain the role of morality in causing and justifying violence. The main theoretical merit of the concept of (...)
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    Jules Vuillemin and the Morality of Pyrrhonism.Lorenzo Corti - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:9-27.
    Dans la première partie de son article « Une morale est-elle compatible avec le scepticisme? », Jules Vuillemin propose une interprétation du scepticisme de Pyrrhon d’Élis et s’interroge sur sa compatibilité avec une vie morale. La présente contribution s’attache à resituer la lecture de Vuillemin dans l’histoire du pyrrhonisme ainsi que dans les débats récents à son sujet, et à la discuter en la comparant au néo-pyrrhonisme de Sextus Empiricus. À suivre Vuillemin, Pyrrhon suspend son jugement par rapport à tout, (...)
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    La certitude en matière morale.Lorenzo Roy - 1963 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 19 (1):120.
  11.  27
    Dialectical disputations.Lorenzo Valla - 2012 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Brian P. Copenhaver & Lodi Nauta.
    Lorenzo Valla (1407–1457) ranks among the greatest scholars and thinkers of the Renaissance. He secured lasting fame for his brilliant critical skills, most famously in his exposure of the “Donation of Constantine,” the forged document upon which the papacy based claims to political power. Lesser known in the English-speaking world is Valla's work in the philosophy of language—the basis of his reputation as the greatest philosopher of the humanist movement. Dialectical Disputations, translated here for the first time into any (...)
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  12.  37
    L'io morale: David Hume e l'etica contemporanea.Lorenzo Greco - 2008 - Napoli: Liguori Editore.
  13.  22
    Ética de la responsabilidad y racionalidad de la praxis. Schopenhauer en perspectiva.Belisario Prats-Palma, José Vicente Villalobos-Antúnez, Pedro Severino-González & Flavia Sepúlveda De la Jara - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (5):1-11.
    Se aborda el concepto de ética de la responsabilidad desde una doble perspectiva: desde la racionalidad de la praxis que despliega el sujeto visto como individuo, pero también desde la idea de la solidaridad necesaria para conformar una trama filosófica que aborde la ética empresarial en un sentido abarcador. Bajo el concepto de filosofía de la praxis, se interpreta el concepto de conciencia moral para luego abordar el concepto de responsabilidad social como praxis necesarias de la acción. Se concluye desde (...)
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    Autonomy and the Ownership of Our Own Destiny: Tracking the External World and Human Behavior, and the Paradox of Autonomy.Lorenzo Magnani - 2020 - Philosophies 5 (3):12.
    Research on autonomy exhibits a constellation of variegated perspectives, from the problem of the crude deprivation of it to the study of the distinction between personal and moral autonomy, and from the problem of the role of a “self as narrator”, who classifies its own actions as autonomous or not, to the importance of the political side and, finally, to the need of defending and enhancing human autonomy. My precise concern in this article will be the examination of the role (...)
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    Morality and Psychopathic Criminals. Ethicocentrism, Mental Incapacity, Free Will, and the Fear of Decriminalization.Lorenzo Magnani - 2012 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 3 (1):26-35.
    Le sentenze che oggi vengono pronunciate contro i criminali psicopatici evitano accuratamente di far leva su considerazioni “morali”. Solitamente l’attribuzione di responsabilità morale ai criminali si basa spesso sul concetto cognitivo di infermità mentale, in maniera tale che il giudizio morale sulla condotta morale dei “criminali psicopatici” in questi casi venga tendenzialmente sterilizzato. La posizione che qui vorrei proporre individua oscurità e limiti epistemici nelle teorie e nei metodi correntemente impiegati nelle società occidentali per alleggerire le responsabilità morali, le quali, (...)
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  16. The knowledge of good and bad.Lorenzo Vinciguerra - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond (eds.), Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  17.  42
    Los dilemas morales en la filosofía analítica.Lorenzo Peña - 1991 - Isegoría 3:43-79.
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    Moral Disengagement and Generalized Social Trust as Mediators and Moderators of Rule-Respecting Behaviors During the COVID-19 Outbreak.Guido Alessandri, Lorenzo Filosa, Marie S. Tisak, Elisabetta Crocetti, Giuseppe Crea & Lorenzo Avanzi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  19. L'unità dello scibile e la filosofia della morale..Lorenzo Michelangelo Billia - 1897 - Torino,: Ufficio del periodico "Il Nuovo risorgimento" [etc..
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  20.  44
    L’umanesimo di Bernard Williams tra filosofia morale e filosofia politica.Lorenzo Greco - 2012 - Ragion Pratica: Rivista semestrale 39:543-61.
  21.  30
    The Method of Belief: The Unity of Kant’s Reflection in the Canon of Pure Reason.Lorenzo Mileti Nardo - 2023 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 4 (2):81-111.
    The aim of this paper is to show the unity and consistency of Kant’s reflections throughout all three sections of the Canon of Pure Reason. More specifically, I argue that Section 3, which is devoted to the issue of Fürwahrhalten, or taking-to-be-true, is crucial to achieving the methodological goal of the Canon, which is to justify the legitimacy of the speculative assumptions of pure reason. After examining the historical roots of Kant’s notion of a transcendental doctrine of method, I focus (...)
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  22. Io morale.Lorenzo Greco - 2011 - Aphex 4.
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    Bernard Williams e il soggetto morale.Lorenzo Greco - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia 93 (1):89-108.
  24.  26
    Salmanticensis 69 (2022) 131-159 ISSN: 0036-3537 (impreso) ISSN: 2660-955X (online) Identidad del hombre como Imago Dei: una aproximación antropológica desde la teología, la moral y la psicología. [REVIEW]Ramón Obdulio Lara Palma - 2022 - Salmanticensis 69 (1):131-159.
    La identidad del hom- bre como Imagen de Dios analizada desde el punto de vista teológico, moral y psicológico permite comprender más a fondo al ser humano ¿Por qué el hom- bre peca siendo que es imagen de Dios? ¿Por qué aun contando con la gracia salvadora de Cristo todavía se cometen pecados? Esta es la problemá- tica que buscamos afrontar en este es- crito. El recorrido por esas tres áreas del pensamiento ayuda a dilucidar con mayor precisión los rasgos (...)
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  25. La virtù morale tra Aristotele e Bernard Williams.Lorenzo Greco - 2022 - In Monica Ferrari, Matteo Morandi & Giulia Delogu (eds.), La virt? tra paideia, politeia ed episteme. pp. 618-32.
  26.  30
    Computing, Philosophy and Cognition: Proceedings of the European Computing and Philosophy Conference (ECAP 2004).Lorenzo Magnani & Riccardo Dossena (eds.) - 2005 - College Publications.
    This volume is a collection of papers that explore various areas of common interest between philosophy, computing, and cognition. The book illustrates the rich intrigue of this fascinating recent intellectual story. It begins by providing a new analysis of the ideas related to computer ethics, such as the role in information technology of the so-called moral mediators, the relationship between intelligent machines and warfare, and the new opportunities offered by telepresnece, for example in teaching and learning. The book also ties (...)
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  27. Identità personale, carattere e virtù: Eugenio Lecaldano e il soggetto morale.Lorenzo Greco - 2010 - In Piergiorgio Donatelli & Maurizio Mori (eds.), Eugenio Lecaldano: l'etica, la storia della filosofia e l'impegno civile. Firenze: Le lettere. pp. 178-92.
  28. The knowledge of good and bad.Lorenzo Vinciguerra - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond (eds.), Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  29.  10
    Suárez: La verdad de la Ley y su Autoridad.Lorenzo Milazzo - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 51:233-255.
    Para Suárez la ley es el acto de voluntad con el que el legislador obliga a sus súbditos a actuar como es debido ordenándoles hacerlo. Algunos intérpretes sostienen que según el jesuita la ley añadiría a una obligación preexistente una obligación adicional y específica, mientras que otros creen que para Suárez no existe obligación que no tenga en la ley su propia fuente y que, por consiguiente, antes de la ley no puede haber obligaciones, sino sólo deberes. En todo caso, (...)
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    Migration and Cooperative Infrastructures.Lorenzo Del Savio, Giulia Cavaliere & Matteo Mameli - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (3):425-444.
    A proper understanding of the moral and political significance of migration requires a focus on global inequalities. More specifically, it requires a focus on those global inequalities that affect people’s ability to participate in the production of economic goods and non-economic goods. We call cooperative infrastructures the complex material and immaterial technologies that allow human beings to cooperate in order to generate human goods. By enabling migrants to access high-quality cooperative infrastructures, migration contributes to the diffusion of technical and socio-political (...)
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    Knowledge as Duty.Lorenzo Magnani - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:289-294.
    This paper aims at presenting a concise treatment of some key themes of my recent book Morality in a technological world. Knowledge as duty (Cambridge: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007). In recent times, non-human beings, objects, and structures – for example computational tools and devices - haveacquired new moral worth and intrinsic values. Kantian tradition in ethics teaches that human beings do not have to be treated solely as “means”, or as “things”, that is in a merely instrumental way, but (...)
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  32. Humean Reflections in the Ethics of Bernard Williams.Lorenzo Greco - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (3):312-25.
    In this article, I maintain that the anti-theoretical spirit which pervades Williams's ethics is close to the Humean project of developing and defending an ethics based on sentiments which has its main focus in the virtues. In particular, I argue that there are similar underlying themes which run through the philosophies of Hume and Williams, such as the view that a correct ethical perspective cannot avoid dealing with a broader theory of human nature; the conviction that this inquiry cannot be (...)
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  33. On Pride.Lorenzo Greco - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (35):101-123.
    In this essay, I offer a vindication of pride. I start by presenting the Christian condemnation of pride as the cardinal sin. I subsequently examine Mandeville’s line of argument whereby pride is beneficial to society, although remaining a vice for the individual. Finally, I focus on, and endorse, the analysis of pride formulated by Hume, for whom pride qualifies instead as a virtue. This is because pride not only contributes to making society flourish but also stabilizes the virtuous agent by (...)
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  34. The Self as Narrative in Hume.Lorenzo Greco - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (4):699-722.
    In this paper, I return to the well-known apparent inconsistencies in Hume’s treatment of personal identity in the three books of A Treatise of Human Nature, and try to defend a Humean narrative interpretation of the self. I argue that in Book 1 of the Treatise Hume is answering (to use Marya Schechtman’s expressions in The Constitution of Selves) a “reidentification” question concerning personal identity, which is different from the “characterization” question of Books 2 and 3. That is, I maintain (...)
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  35. Hume, Teleology, and the 'Science of Man'.Lorenzo Greco & Dan O'Brien - 2019 - In William Gibson, Dan O'Brien & Marius Turda (eds.), Teleology and Modernity. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 147-64.
    There are various forms of teleological thinking central to debates in the early modern and modern periods, debates in which David Hume (1711–1776) is a key figure. In the first section, we shall introduce three levels at which teleological considerations have been incorporated into philosophical accounts of man and nature, and sketch Hume’s criticisms of these approaches. In the second section, we turn to Hume’s non-teleological ‘science of man’. In the third section, we show how Hume has an account of (...)
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  36. Vices, Virtues, and Dispositions.Lorenzo Azzano & Andrea Raimondi - 2023 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 7 (2).
    In this paper, we embark on the complicated discussion about the nature of vice in Virtue Ethics through a twofold approach: first, by taking seriously the claim that virtues (and certain flavours of vices) are genuinely dispositional features possessed by agents, and secondly, by employing a pluralistic attitude borrowed from Battaly’s pluralism (2008). Through these lenses, we identify three varieties of viciousness: incontinence, indifference, and malevolence. The upshot is that the notion of vice is not as categorically homogeneous as that (...)
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  37.  36
    Violence Hexagon.Lorenzo Magnani - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (2-3):359-371.
    In this article I will show why and how it is useful to exploit the hexagon of opposition to have a better and new understanding of the relationships between morality and violence and of fundamental axiological concepts. I will take advantage of the analysis provided in my book Understanding Violence. The Intertwining of Morality, Religion, and Violence: A Philosophical Stance. Springer, Heidelberg/Berlin, 2011) to stress some aspects of the relationship between morality and violence, also reworking some ideas by John Woods (...)
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  38. Reflection and the Individual in Williams’ Humanistic Philosophy.Lorenzo Greco - 2013 - In Alexandra Perry & Chris Herrera (eds.), The Moral Philosophy of Bernard Williams. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 26-39.
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    La moralidad distribuida y la tecnología. Cómo las cosas nos hacen morales.Lorenzo Magnani - 2006 - Isegoría 34:63-78.
    En el presente artículo se sostiene que, a través de la tecnología, las personas podemos simplificar y resolver tareas morales incluso en presencia de información incompleta o de una capacidad insuficiente para la acción moral. Muchas cosas externas, normalmente concebidas como inertes desde un punto de vista moral, pueden considerarse lo que aquí se denominarán mediadores morales. Por lo tanto, no todas las herramientas morales están en el interior de nuestra cabeza, sino que muchas están distribuidas en (...)
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    Mauro Dorato: Science and Representative Democracy: Experts and Citizens.Lorenzo Magnani - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-3.
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    Laudato sì and the New Paradigm of Catholic Environmental Ethics: Reflections on Environmentalist Movements in Italy.Lorenzo Orioli - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):931-943.
    This article explores certain aspects related to the environmental ethical message in the Encyclical Letter Laudato si, written in 2015 by Pope Francis, leader of the Catholic Church, and compares them to recent Green party political movements in Italy. Italy offers a unique case study in that the religious background of the country acts as an independent variable with respect to the social acceptance of current environmental issues. The ethical message in Laudato sì is compared to recent debates on the (...)
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    Aspirazione, riflessione e felicità: l’etica della virtù di Julia Annas.Lorenzo Greco - 2016 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 29 (1):173-80.
    In this essay, I offer a survey of Julia Annas’ perspective on virtue ethics. I focus on her most recent work and highlight the role reflection plays in shaping her conception of the virtuous agent. I compare her approach with that of rival moral conceptions, both within and outside virtue ethics, and conclude with a doubt raised from a Humean point of view.
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    A Taste of Armageddon: A Virtue Ethics Perspective on Autonomous Weapons and Moral Injury.Massimiliano Lorenzo Cappuccio, Jai Christian Galliott & Fady Shibata Alnajjar - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 21 (1):19-38.
    Autonomous weapon systems could in principle release military personnel from the onus of killing during combat missions, reducing the related risk of suffering a moral injury and its debilita...
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  44. El arquitecto agustino-recoleto fray Lorenzo de San Nicolás y su obra (1593-1679).Juan Ramón Sierra Morales - 2007 - Ciudad de Dios 220 (2):459-490.
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    Simone Pollo, La morale della natura (Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2008). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia 100 (2):308-309.
  46. A philosophical and evolutionary approach to cyber-bullying: social networks and the disruption of sub-moralities.Tommaso Bertolotti & Lorenzo Magnani - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (4):285-299.
    Cyber-bullying, and other issues related to violence being committed online in prosocial environments, are beginning to constitute an emergency worldwide. Institutions are particularly sensitive to the problem especially as far as teenagers are concerned inasmuch as, in cases of inter-teen episodes, the deterrent power of ordinary justice is not as effective as it is between adults. In order to develop the most suitable policies, institution should not be satisfied with statistics and sociological perspectives on the phenomenon, but rather seek a (...)
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    Anti-Immigration Backlashes as Constraints.Lorenzo Del Savio - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (1):201-222.
    Migration often causes what I refer to in this paper as ‘anti-immigration backlashes’ in receiving countries. Such reactions have substantial costs in terms of the undermining of national solidarity and the diffusion of political distrust. In short, anti-immigration backlashes can threaten the social and political stability of receiving countries. Do such risks constitute a reason against permissive immigration policies which are otherwise desirable? I argue that a positive answer may depend on a skeptical view based on the alleged constraints that (...)
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  48.  24
    Bentham’s Search for ‘Effective Benevolence’ in Libya and Greece.Lorenzo Cello - 2023 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 24.
    According to Bentham's utilitarian mode of reasoning, the legitimacy of an intervention was not to be valued on the grounds of the underlying intentions or the means employed, but rather in light of its (expected) consequences. What at first would seem as incoherent, arbitrary or ambivalent attitudes towards intervention were in fact consistent with his situational and pragmatic mode of reasoning. Rather than a disjuncture between ideal theory and practical reasoning, his positions on intervention reflected the inevitably local nature of (...)
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    Grasping an Ought. Adolf Reinach’s Ontology and Epistemology of Legal and Moral Oughts.Lorenzo Passerini Glazel - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica 90:29-39.
    We almost every day direct our actions with reference to social, moral or legal norms and oughts. However, oughts and norms cannot be perceived through the senses: how can we “grasp” them, then? Adolf Reinach distinguishes enacted norms and oughts created through a social act of enactment, from moral norms and oughts existing in themselves independently of any act, knowledge or experience. I argue that this distinction is not a distinction between two species of oughts within a common genus: it (...)
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    Creating New “Enclosures”: Violently Mimicking the Primitive Accumulation through Degradation of Women, Lockdowns, Looting Finance, War, Plunder.Lorenzo Magnani & Anna Maria Marchini - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):58.
    Starting from the analysis of Marx’s Chapter 26 of the first volume of Capital, this article describes Marxian emphasis on the extremely violent aspects—a list of the main cases is also provided—of the so-called “enclosures” as fundamental procedures that favored the “primitive accumulation”, that is, the first social and economic step that led to capitalism. The “enclosures” that characterized the primitive accumulation process, violently expropriating peasants, razing their cottages and dwellings, are illustrated in detail. At the same time, we will (...)
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